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1910s fashion. Waning of the Belle Epoque and Edwardian era.

The 1910s in fashion history:

The transition from Edwardian Era and Belle Epoque to modern fashion.

End of the Edwardian era and Belle Epoque with the outbreak and progression of WW1. The development of women's fashion styles from impractical lavish outfits to more functional clothing.

The Leading fashion designers of 1910s:

Coco Chanel (as an emerging designer Chanel open her first shop in 1913), Paquin, Lanvin, Leon Bakst (mostly costume designer for Ballets Russes), Jacques Doucet.

Cultural highlights:

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1910s fashion. Waning of the Belle Epoque and Edwardian era. 1910s fashion. Waning of the Belle Epoque and Edwardian era. 1910s fashion. Waning of the Belle Epoque and Edwardian era.

1910s fashion. Waning of the Belle Epoque and Edwardian era.